Picture represents Joseph Campbell’s Hero’s Journey

I have experienced huge resistance in writing this weeks Blog – which is now 2 days overdue. The only reason I am writing it now is that I won’t allow myself watch today’s webinar unless I have completed the blog first – I am grateful that the Super Bowl is on tonight and the webinar is earlier than usual!
We added another card to our index cards this week “What am I pretending not to know?” coupled with reading obituaries all week one resulted in my answers to that question is I am living life as if I don’t know I am going to die! I am also pretending I don’t know what a gift it is to be alive and to have the opportunity to make a contribution to life each and every moment. I am pretending I don’t know how to be Happy!
Scroll number V adds to this realisation by declaring “I will live this day as if it is my last” What a wake up call!
So yesterday February 1st was St. Brigid’s day – a true Hero in Irish Mythology. Her feast day was originally a Pagan festival called Imbolc marking the transition between Winter and Spring. St. Brigid displays all the attributes of the Hero – , Brigid performed miracles, including healing and feeding the poor. She understood the Give More Get more Philosophy – According to Legend, as a child, she once gave away her mother’s entire store of butter. The butter was then replaced in answer to Brigid’s prayers.
To Celebrate St. Brigid’s day I sowed some Sunviva yellow cherry tomato seeds – seeds are also a great mirror for us of the Hero’s Journey – they allow themselves to be placed in darkness and die to be resurrected as a new entity. These tomatoes are the sweetest most delicious tomato I have ever tasted!
Remember to Look for the Hero inside yourself to find the Key to your Life.