Lightbulbs have continued to turn on for me this week. During last years MKE I unveiled two words that were the core of my Definite Major Purpose – “Happy and Coach.” Since discovering MKE and practising the effective habits from the MKE I made great strides in bringing this purpose to fruition – I became an Rapid Transformation Therapy Practitioner® (RTTP) and I have become a HeartMath® Certified Coach. More about the phenomenal therapy that is RTT at a later date. Today I want to share some of my understandings of Heart Rate Variability and Coherence. I have been using the HeartMath® Inner balance technology which measures Heart Rate Variability and Coherence since July 2020 and became fascinated by how it works and what it is measuring.
What is Heart Rate Variability and how Heart Coherence can be achieved?

How Heart Coherence is Achieved
You have probably heard of Heart Rate Variability (HRV) as it is a feature of many of our smart devices. HRV is the variance in time between the beats of your heart. So, if your heart rate is 60 beats per minute, it’s not actually beating once every second. Within that minute there may be 0.9 seconds between two beats, for example, and 1.15 seconds between two others. Heart Rate Coherence can be achieved when the HRV is in an ordered and coherent state. Coherence is an optimal state in which the heart mind and emotions are operating in-sync and in balance.
The benefits of coherence are numerous including:
Reduced Blood pressure in Hypertension.
Improvements in Asthma.
Increased calmness and wellbeing.
Increased Emotional stability.
Improved Cognitive ability.
Improvement in long and short term memory.
Improved ability to learn.
Increased test scores.
Increased ability to focus.
The HeartMath® Institute’s research has shown that generating sustained positive emotions facilitates Heart Coherence.
HeartMath® is based on the premise that we have the power to choose the way we feel and that our Hearts hold the wisdom and intelligence to help guide each of us through whatever challenges, stresses and adversities we may face.
Can you imagine where you effortlessly practice simple breathing techniques and develop sustained Heart Coherence, resulting in reduced stress levels and increased energy for you?
Are you curious to know more about HeartMath® Heart – Focused breathing techniques? Would you like to to experience how you can achieve Heart Coherence? If so I invite you to join one of our Tubbercurry online sessions which take place on the second Tuesday and last Wednesday of each month. Follow the WeAddHeart Link below to register for your Free ticket now: