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Master Key Week 14 – Gratitude for Harmony

Breege Walsh

Wishing all who read this Post a Happy Harmonious 2020! Happy New Year!

We got to read scroll IV of Og Mandino’s ‘The greatest Salesman” on Wednesday where we are told that we are “natures greatest miracle” – what a great start to the New Year!

I choose a photo of a rainbow this week as one of the many many things I am grateful for this Christmas and New year is the wonderful perfectly formed rainbows over the ox mountains I got to enjoy on my walks.

In Part 14 of the Master Key Haanel says “If you wish Harmonious conditions in your life, you must develop an harmonious mental attitude” and in the sit this week we are directed to concentrate on Harmony and to concentrate so earnestly that we will be conscious of nothing but harmony.

So what is an “Harmonious Mental Attitude”? and how can I cultivate it in my daily life? – for surely I do wish for harmonious conditions in my life!

My own working definition of having a harmonious mental attitude is where I have a definite intention i.e. as defined in My Definite Major Purpose and that my thoughts, feelings, and actions are all in alignment with this Intention. Coupled with this is the belief of “ask and you shall receive” ” knock and it shall be opened unto you” In other words when I get up from my sit I am not looking for my intention to have manifested in my life but rather I am present in each moment of the day knowing that the ways and means of reaching my desired outcome will be revealed as the day unfolds.

As Mark outlined in his Coffee chat on Sunday the Key to the Vault is Gratitude! One of the tasks from week 13 carried forward is that after the sit each morning we must create 3 new gratitude cards and mix them into achievement/accomplishment cards that we already have created.

At regular intervals during the day we read with enthusiasm a few of the cards thereby using the law of growth to increase that which we want more of in our lives.

So what about those New Years Resolutions?

I know we have all made them and often the same ones year after year but I’m not making New Years Resolutions this Year. You know and I know they don’t work. I know they not only don’t work but they are damaging. Every time you set a resolution and don’t keep it you are training your mind for failure.

Changing your circumstances, whether that be “getting in shape”, losing 2 stone, giving up the cigarettes requires changing your mind and your habits. That does not happen with a simple resolution to do so on New Years Day.

What I am doing this year is a Complete Makeover. The Master Key Master Mind Alliance Experience is giving me the tools to change my habits and find my real, inner self and be “natures greatest miracle” personified


One of the other things I am truly grateful for is I listened to the New Years Day concert of the Austrian Philharmonic orchestras playing the Blue Danube – Heavenly!

Photo by Matheus Viana on

Check out this great blog post also about Harmony

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