“When you treat People Kindly you get treated in Kind” is something I got to experience this week in spades.
Last week in the MKE we started using “The Franklin Makeover Technique” whereby we pick a virtue that we would like to experience more of for a week and keep a record of every time we notice it either in others or ourselves.
This week the whole group got to focus on KINDNESS with the added benefit of sharing with each other at least 2 kindnesses we had experienced each day. It is in the sharing with the group that we get to experience a real Master Mind Alliance in action.
This week has been a real eye opener from both the kindness and Master Mind points of view.
I have started to notice kindness everywhere I look and the best part has been the reactions of people when they experience an unexpected act of kindness. I also realised that the acts of kindnesses I witnessed all week were probably there every other week too but I hadn’t noticed them or labelled them as such, the cheery “good mornings” the doors held open, the kind drivers who let me out in a long line of traffic, the freshly cooked delicious dinner that is waiting for me when I get home.
The real AHA moment happened for me on Monday – The first act of kindness of the day was to myself in deciding to take a days leave from work because there was a severe storm coming our way. As I was at home I got to really participate in sharing in the kindness group and enjoyed the interaction.
Following this when I was looking through my achievement cards I found myself acknowledging the other people who had supported me in these accomplishments and I started adding their names to the cards e.g. to the card that read “I have made lots of pots of Jam” I added with the help of my mother and sisters and only possible through the bounty of nature. My lesson – there is very little I have accomplished without the help and support of a Master Mind Alliance.
So join me in “Trying a little kindness” and you will find it becomes easier with practice as you become aware of more opportunities to be kind and how much kindness already exists in our world.