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Master Key Experience – Week 15 – Gratitude as a Cause

Breege Walsh

I am starting to understand the power of gratitude as a cause of creating more to be grateful for rather than an effect i.e. something we express or feel after an experience or receiving something. I love the exercise that we started last week of writing 3 things on index cards that we are grateful for each day (repetition is not allowed – 3 new things each day). My cards have varied from being grateful for a powerful hot shower to a cup of tea to a lovely bright winters morning – all of which were in my reality at the time of expressing gratitude. It is not simply that we rattle off three things that we are grateful for but that we actually feel true gratitude for these things as we read our cards out loud with enthusiasm.

Part 15 of the Master Key states that the laws under which we live are designed for our advantage and that growth is attained through an exchange of the old for the new. I have found that doing the gratitude practice above regularly has exchanged finding fault with gratitude for what already exists.

“The wonderful power of clothing thoughts in the form of words” according to Haanel in part 15 is what differentiates mankind from the animal kingdom.

The other great thing that separates us from the animal kingdom is that we can visualise a future for ourselves and take action towards the realisation of that future.

This is where the real power of gratitude comes into force – What if we express genuine authentic gratitude for an event or thing that we haven’t yet experienced but would like to experience e.g. something we have written in our Definite Major Purpose that we truly desire.

Expressing gratitude for something we haven’t yet experienced is in my mind demonstrating faith in our dreams and building that bridge which Mark spoke to us about at the start of the Master Key Experience between where we are now and our future Selves.

Today I am Grateful For

  • All you beautiful people who read my Blog

  • The partial rainbow I saw on my walk today – I sooo Love rainbows!

  • The Master Key Experience Movement.

What are you Grateful for Today? Feel Free to share below!

See also Laura’s awesome post on week 15 of the MKE experience

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